Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Variable Vs Fixed memory pool: Refer status

① Difference between variable size memory pool and fixed size memory pool

Parsing through the list is required in case of variable memory pool. Otherwise, both are almost same.

② ITRON implementation of ref_mpl()

ER ref_mpl(ID mplid, T_RMPL *pk_rmpl)
        Sanity check on arguments
        Enter critical section (Interrupt Disable)
        List is parsed through and the sizes are accumulated and
            maximum of single block size also kept recorded;
        Both are stored in the structure;
        Parse through the queue to get ID number of task at the head
        if valid task found {
                Store ID number in the structure
                Exit critical section (Interrupt Restore)
                return E_OK;
        Store the task id as TSK_NONE;
        Exit critical section (Interrupt Restore)
        return E_OK;

③ ITRON implementation of ref_mpf()

ER ref_mpf(ID mpfid, T_RMPF *pk_rmpf)
        Sanity check on arguments
        Enter critical section (Interrupt Disable)
        Store the counter for number of free blocks in the structure;
        If (list head points to NULL) {
                parse through the queue to get ID number of task at the head
                if valid task found {
                        Store ID number in the structure
                        Exit critical section (Interrupt Restore)
                        return E_OK;
        Store the task id as TSK_NONE;
        Exit critical section (Interrupt Restore)
        return E_OK;

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