1) What is Bluetooth
and WLAN frequency range?
Bluetooth - ISM (Industrial, Scientific, Medical) band 2.4 MHz + 83 MHz wide
WiFi too same 2.4 MHz + 83 MHz wide
2) Do not they corrupt each other as both working on the same frequency?
"Bluetooh Hops Away and Tries Again"
"WiFi slows down and Tries Again"
3) Difference between different Ethernet protocols?
4) Does low power Bluetooth use the same band?
Range is 50m (Classic is 100m)
DataRate 1Mbps (Classic is 1~3Mbps)
Peak current consumption <15ms (Classic is < 30ms)
Bluetooth smart - 極低電力で動作する無線通信規格Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)に対応を提示するブランド名
きょくていでんりょくでどうさするむせんつうしんきかく Bluetooth Low Engegyにたいおうをていじするブランドな
BLEはBluetooth 4.0で採用されている、通信可能距離が短く(50m)、通信速度は低速(1Mbps)、ボタン電池で数年稼動する(アイドルの時数uA、動作する時に<15mA)
BLEはBluetooth 4.0でさいようされている、つうしんかのうきょりはみじかく、つうしんそくどはていそく、ボタンでんちですうねんかどうさせる
Bluetooth smart ready - is brand name for computers which support BLE as well as Bluetooth classic
5) What is the specification for ANT?
ANT - proprietary open access multicast wireless sensor network
Communicates over the same RF spectrum of 2.4GHz (ISM Band)
When working, consumes around 60uA current.
6) What are the products supported?
・ARM based System-On-Chip (ARMベースのシステムオンチップ)
・(Single Chip) IC (シングルチップIC)
・Development Kits (開発キット)
into four different categories:
1) Bluetooth Low Energy
2) ANT
3) 2.4 GHz RF
4) 1GHz RF
7) Bluetooth support over Linux
BlueZ Linux Bluetooth protocol stack is official Bluetooth stack for Linux.
WLAN has built in support in Linux. Do you remember, WLAN does not have any separate stack as it just uses the same protocol stack with just at hardware level few WLAN drivers and some thin layer to manage the connections comes.
it never ends...
Bluetooth - ISM (Industrial, Scientific, Medical) band 2.4 MHz + 83 MHz wide
WiFi too same 2.4 MHz + 83 MHz wide
2) Do not they corrupt each other as both working on the same frequency?
Ofcourse. But, each follow different protocols that facilitates to overcome
the loss of data due to inteference.
"Bluetooh Hops Away and Tries Again"
Bluetooth divides the band into 79 different 1 MHz channels. And, it uses
FHSS (Frequency Hop Spread Spectrum) which means Bluetooth hops into
these different channels in predefined manner in sync with peer to transmit the
data. For example, one bit on 8th channel, next bit on 29th, next bit on 21th,
like that. So, if the WiFi channel (explained next) interference causes a loss
of data in Bluetooth, as it hops to the next frequency channel, there is chance
to get the data.
WiFi on the other hand, divides the band
into 22 MHz channels with fixed frequency range (DSSS - Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum) which is fixed for data transmission of one node. There could be
maximum of 11 overlapping channels or 3 non-overlapping channels. (So, there can
be no more than three different WiFi networks operating in close proximity to
one another.) When Bluetooth interferes WLAN channel, WLAN assumes that
collision occured due to stations trying to transmit simultaneously and does
retransmission of data similar to Ethernet.
There are few methods for co-existence. Recently, WLAN is getting moved
to 5.2 GHz frequency band.
3) Difference between different Ethernet protocols?
WLAN - CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance - Make sure
the medium is idle before Transmission. Cannot listen the medium when transmitting, so cannot detect
collision. Transmit full frame. If not acknowledged, retransmit.
10BASE Ethernet - Half duplex - CSMA/CD Collision Detection - Wait for the
medium to be free, transmit single bit and listen the medium if any collision
occured. If so, retry after random period. If no, transmit next bit.
100Mbps/Full duplex - Separate wires for transmit and reception and direct
connection with peer. So, medium itself made collision free.
4) Does low power Bluetooth use the same band?
Yes. Uses same frequency spectrum range 2.4 GHz ~ 2.4835 GHz ISM Band as of
classic Bluetooth. But, uses different set of channels, instead of 79 1MHz
channels, uses 40 2MHz channels.
Range is 50m (Classic is 100m)
DataRate 1Mbps (Classic is 1~3Mbps)
Peak current consumption <15ms (Classic is < 30ms)
Bluetooth smart - 極低電力で動作する無線通信規格Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)に対応を提示するブランド名
きょくていでんりょくでどうさするむせんつうしんきかく Bluetooth Low Engegyにたいおうをていじするブランドな
BLEはBluetooth 4.0で採用されている、通信可能距離が短く(50m)、通信速度は低速(1Mbps)、ボタン電池で数年稼動する(アイドルの時数uA、動作する時に<15mA)
BLEはBluetooth 4.0でさいようされている、つうしんかのうきょりはみじかく、つうしんそくどはていそく、ボタンでんちですうねんかどうさせる
Bluetooth smart ready - is brand name for computers which support BLE as well as Bluetooth classic
5) What is the specification for ANT?
ANT - proprietary open access multicast wireless sensor network
Communicates over the same RF spectrum of 2.4GHz (ISM Band)
When working, consumes around 60uA current.
Bluetooth was not designed for large wireless sensor networks. Still, it
can form star network of maximum 8 devices (one master and 7 slaves). But, ANT
is for large wireless sensor network. ANT supports file transfer of upto 60
ANT uses adaptive isochronous networking topology. This scheme is very
flexible and within a fixed frequency band, data is transmitted in different
time slots. Transmission occurs when there is no interference in the frequency
band. The radio transmits for less than 150us per message. The available number
of time slots also determined by the messaging period (time interval between
data transfer of each node). If the radio band is crowded, ANT allows
application to hop to alternative 1MHz channel in the 2.4 GHz band.
6) What are the products supported?
・ARM based System-On-Chip (ARMベースのシステムオンチップ)
・(Single Chip) IC (シングルチップIC)
・Development Kits (開発キット)
into four different categories:
1) Bluetooth Low Energy
2) ANT
3) 2.4 GHz RF
4) 1GHz RF
7) Bluetooth support over Linux
BlueZ Linux Bluetooth protocol stack is official Bluetooth stack for Linux.
Directory: linux/net/bluetooth
Configuration option:
Networking support -> Bluetooth subsystem support
8) WLAN support over Linux
WLAN has built in support in Linux. Do you remember, WLAN does not have any separate stack as it just uses the same protocol stack with just at hardware level few WLAN drivers and some thin layer to manage the connections comes.
9) PAN setup over Linux
it never ends...
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