Friday, January 31, 2014

Climbing up Electronics

Pull up and Pull down:

Assume the following function.

(Example 1)

int io_var = 0;
void sw_routine()
    io_var = io_read(0xDEADBEEF);

(Example 2)

int io_var = 1;
void sw_routine()
    io_var = io_read(0xDEADBEEF);

The exact value of io_var is read from the address 0xDEADBEEF. But, before assigning value to it, it can be initialized to 0 or 1 rather than leaving it with garbase values.

The same thing is done by Pull-up or Pull-down circuit in electronics to the pin which is left open. Initializing the pin with logic HIGH (+5v, etc.) is called pull up. Initializing with logic LOW (0v) is called pull-down. This is just initialization when the pin is not connected to any active module. When the active module is driving the pin, the driven value is reflected regardless of the initial value.

This will apply for input as well as output pin. If you want the pin to reflect what exactly you write or to read exactly the pin status, then Pull-up/Pull-down can be safely selected.


These all are about safely sharing a single line between multiple devices with simple logic.

Wired-OR: (A+B+C+D)'

When all devices A,B,C,D are in logic LOW, the output will be HIGH. When any one of device becomes logic HIGH, then the output will become LOW. Don't you think that this is enough to have a single interrupt line to just signal CPU of interrupt from devices. Only thing is the interrupt signal will be active LOW. This is the reason why INT' and RST' signals are active LOW.

Wired-AND is just complement of Wired-OR: (A.B.C.D)'

If any one of device input is logic LOW, the output will be logic HIGH.


In case of NPN transister, it is called Open-collector. In case of MOSFET, it is called Open-drain. Open-collector/Open-drain means "Emitter is connected to the ground. Base is driven as Input. Collector is open as output". It acts just as a Switch to pull the output line to LOW, when the base is driven by input. If you connect a pull-up at output and tie output of all devices, when all devices are idle, the output is at logic HIGH. When any device drive the switch, it can safely pull only the shared output line to LOW. The meaning of sharing is when one connected device driver LOW and other drives HIGH, there should not be any short circuite. This is guaranteed with open-collector/open-drain.

One more advantage is that the line voltage is decided by the external pull up circuite. So, it can be used to interface two components of different voltage levels.

I2C bus has two lins SDA and SCL, both are open-drain with exactly two pull-up resistors. I2C protocol is built-over the open-drain. Since I2C master initially starts the transaction by pulling the clock and data lines, all other devices just listen/senses the lines and decodes what the I2C master tries to say. After sensing the address given by the master, the corresponding slave transfers the data. But, master as well as devices just creates the data and clock pulses by pulling down the output line to LOW. For detailed, I2C bus details, please refer the following: The output line can be read just by reading it as input pin.

So, if you want to connect the pin to a shared bus or to interface with different voltage level, configure it as open-drain/open-collector.
Interfacing different voltate levels:

Passing water from 3.3 water level canel to 5 water level will not damage. But, it is not enough. What effects will it create? A few exceptions are on some CMOS devices and when interfacing 3.3V to a 5V device with a Schmitt-Trigger input. Why?

But, passing water from 5 water level to 3 water level will damage the field.

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