Friday, January 10, 2014

uITRON4.0 Specification Memory Protection Extension (Page3)

Recently, Embedded Systems Field Software became Large scale and complex significantly. In addition, the demand for shortening of development time is strong. As a result, guarantying the quality and reliability become difficult.

It becomes one and half years over after TRON Association Version up WG started investigation in 2001 to add Memory protection to uITRON specification as a approach to alleviate or solve this problem. The result of the investigation is put together in this specification in the form of uITRON 4.0 specification extension. We hope that this specification will help to alleviate or solve the problems faced by Embedded Software.
Then, in parallel to the investigation, Information processing promotion association’s Information Technology Development Support Service implemented the kernel in compliant to the specification proposal as adoption theme. The IIMP (An Implementation of ITRON with Memory Protection) Kernel developed here will be made available for free in ITRON website. It will help as a reference implementation as well as can be put into use too. Though the development and release of reference source is new try to the TRON project, I believe this will help to spread the specification fast.
This specification is considered as first step towards introducing memory protection to the uITRON Specification. Depend on situation, there may some necessary and useful functions besides those adopted in this Specification. But, by mentioning as first step, I paid attention to not to be greedy. I would like to take next step after grasping the needs more precise through the usage and implementation of the reference source. By this meaning, I would be glad, if you can approach Tron Association with your opinion, demands.
At last, I would like to thank every member of memory Protection SWG, TRON project and IPA’s members who contributed directly and requests for further support and co-operation.
                                                                                                Takada Hiroaki
TRON Association Version up WG main group/Toyohashi University of Technology Information Engineering

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